Finnleo Infrared Saunas
IS - Series
The innovative and unique to Finnleo 2-in-1 InfraSauna® provides pleasure beyond what a traditional or infrared sauna can do individually. At times, you might prefer to bask leisurely in the comfort of a traditional sauna. When time is tight or you’re in the mood for a milder heat therapy, an infrared sauna is the answer. This advanced traditional sauna technology has been seamlessly combined with CarbonFlex far-infrared technology that can be included in virtually any shape or size Finnleo Modular sauna or Finnleo Custom Cut sauna up to 425 cu. ft.
S - Series
Treating yourself to the relaxation and detoxification benefits of infrared technology is now safer than ever. Pure Infra saunas have the lowest electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and electrical field (EF) signatures of any infrared delivery system available—levels far below even Sweden’s tough radiation standards.
Traditional Saunas
The original Finnish sauna with heater & rocks; use wet or dry - custom or prefab
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Infrared Saunas
Low EMR/EF sauna with patented technology; detox in comfort - custom or prefab
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Custom Saunas
New construction or convert existing sauna into Infrared-only and InfraSauna
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